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In the hallowed halls of junior high, amidst the tumultuous tapestry of adolescent dreams and fleeting friendships, a fellowship of three valiant souls emerged—Ben Gardner, Tommy Fuccillo, and Matt Hatch. United by  the mystical arts of melody and rhythm, they embarked upon a quest of sonic realization under the humble banner of their eventual nascent moniker, Stella Starfox.


Yet, little did they know that their journey would be fraught with trials and tribulations, their harmonies tested by the fires of adversity and the discordant cacophony of pubescent angst. Through the shadows of awkwardness and the valleys of off-key notes, they forged ahead, their spirits undaunted, their resolve unyielding.


Many new members came and went among this fellowship while  the founding three always remained. But as the winds of destiny whispered secrets of grandeur and sorcery, the time came when Ben, the sage of songwriting, withdrew from the live band, focusing on his creative sanctum where he’d craft symphonies that would echo through the ages.


Today, Stella Starfox consists of Tommy (vocals, guitar, drums), Matt (guitar, keyboards, vocals), Mike “Brown” Bloniarz (drums, vocals), Eli Sontz (keyboards, vocals, aux. percussion, guitar) and Kevin McManus (bass, vocals) with Ben continuing to contribute to songwriting.


Most recently, Stella has been releasing singles foreshadowing an eventual debut album.

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